- Duerme lo suficiente, para que no andes de sueño. Recomendado de 7 a 9 horas.
- Crea rutinas, hábitos. Agenda aciones como escribir emails o hacer una u otra actividad luego. Para que luego simplemente pasen en piloto automático.
- Levántate temprano, los días que mejor me van son aquellos en los cuales, me levanto y el tiempo parece alargarse, porque no hay distracciones.
- Aléjate de tu inbox, evita el habito de revisar tu correo a cada rato para concentrarte en tareas específicas.
- Haz listas To-Do diarias no laaaargas, tales como estas microtareas: pagar el cable, sacar la cita con el doctor, preparar la clase, hacer abdominales.
- Un descanso de ejercicio a mediodía. No ayuda a potenciar nuestra energía para después, y no es tiempo perdido.
- Evitar el multitask, quien mucho abarca poco aprieta, avanzar una cosa a la vez, pero bien hecha.
- Silencia el teléfono cuando tengas cosas complejas y que quieras avanzarlas ya. Desactivar las alertas de mensaje y facebook.
- Hacer una lista de cosas de NO hacer. De las cosas que mas te distraigan
- Tu mismo puedes tener unaTormenta de Ideas, y dedica un tiempo para ejecutarlas, escibirlas, etc. Un Bonus, científicamente la creatividad te hace feliz.
- Resalta las mas importantes de tus tareas diarias.
- Empezar con el concepto INBOX ZERO. Organiza cada correo, respóndelo, márcalo, o bórralo, según sea el caso.
- Mantente saludable, mi esposa es la que se antoja de ensaladas, en el supermercado, yo nunca, pero una vez que estamos en casa, viendo una buena peli, y ella prepara esas super ensaladas, le suplico que me invite. Come saludable, no te enfermes, has ejercicio.
- Ten siempre a la mano, algo donde anotar, sea en físico o en digital, pero no dejes que las ideas o la información importante se te escape.
- Limita tu tiempo en las redes sociales, (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest), puede succionar rápidamente tu tiempo, si no te das cuenta.
16. “Eat the frogs.” We swear it’s a real term. Each day, once you've figured out your Most Important Tasks, do the task you’re least looking forward to first. That way, you'll get it out of the way early and feel super productive, to boot. (No guarantees Prince Charming will emerge.)
17. Slow down. Read. This. Slowly. Getting stuff done isn’t always a matter of making it to the finish line first. Take time to reflect, brainstorm, and recharge. The added energy will make you that much more productive when you put your nose back to the grindstone.
18. Track time. Take a day to record how much time is spent writing emails, reading blogs, texting, etc. You may be surprised at how much time certain activities (ahem, browsing Pinterest) take up every day. Once you've figured out how your time is being used up, make it a point to prioritize what really matters to you (and cut out what doesn't).
19. Don’t bounce around. Box off a specific amount of time for every task on your to-do list each day. Assign a chunk of the day for one project, and stay focused on that project during its designated time. Once that time is up, move on to the next mission.
21. Look back. Schedule some time toward the end of each week to reflect on what you accomplished and make any necessary schedule tweaks for the following week.
22. Set triggers. Leave reminders around your workspace and home to help you remember what needs to get done. Place bills that need to be paid or books to be read out in the open, and stick post-it reminders on the fridge!
23. Eat well. What we scarf down for lunch may do more than satisfy hunger. Certain foods, like salmon, almonds, and carrots, can give us a much-needed boost of energy. So forgo the take-out and be picky at the cafeteria!
24. De-clutter. Get rid of anything that may cause distractions. Put away the dishes, fold clothes, and get rid of excess papers on the desk so you're less likely to get sidetracked. Up the ante by implementing some Feng Shui principles in your workspace.
25. Say no. Don’t stretch yourself too thin. Learning to say no—to going out for drinks when you're tired, to extra projects when you're swamped—keeps us focused, prevents overwhelm, and may even ward off sickness.
26. Take a break. Carve out some quality "you" time each day to keep a balance between the busy world and your own inner life.
27. Download help. Still need to get sh!t done? Luckily there’s an app for that.
Also check out: How to Get Sh!t Done Working from Home
What are your favorite tips for getting stuff done? Share in the comments below or get in touch with us onTwitter!